About Me

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Manchester, United Kingdom
This is my blog for my first year journal on the Interacitve Arts course at the Manchester School of Art. I dont really know what to put on it so it will probably be a bit of everything, my work, work and things that inspire me and any ideas i might have.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Lupus Garrett

Lupus Garrett is an American artist who uses old found photographs as his mase and reworks them using mixed media such as paint, applique, embroidery, buttons, medels etc. I like his idea of givin old photographs new life!

Jo Teeuwisse

I think this artist was mentioned in one of our essays, i decided to have a look at his work because i thought that in related to my own work with old photographs. He found some old photographs of Amsterdam in a flea market and went and took new photographs of the same place and them superimposted the old ones onto the new images in a "ghost" like style. I think the images are a great way of looking into the past and re-using old images.